

If the dividend rate on the share accounts change, the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for share-secured advances will change. The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for share-secured advances will be 3.00% above the dividend rate. The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply is 18.00% If the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE increases, your payments will increase. The share account must remain open until the advance is completely paid. The specific ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE and daily periodic rate will be disclosed to you at the time of advance.


If the dividend rate on certificates of deposit change, the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for the certificate-secured advances will change. The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for certificate-secured advances will be 3.00 above the dividend rate. The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply is 18.00% If the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE increases, your payments will increase. The certificates must be renewed until the advance is completely paid. The specific ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE and daily periodic rate will be disclosed to you at the time of advance.


You will be charged a lien filing fee at the time of an advance if the credit union takes a security interest in your collateral. The amount of the filing fee will be based upon the amount of fee required by state law for the credit union to obtain a lien on your property. The amount of the filing fee will be disclosed on the advance voucher.


You promise to pay all the cost of collecting the amount you owe under this agreement including court costs and reasonable attorney fees.

LATE FEE CHARGE: Effective July 1, 2009

Loan payments that are more than 15 days late will be assessed a late charge fee equal to 5% of the monthly payment with the minimum of $15.00 and the maximum of $35.00.